This is another “Kettle Sour” beer, made with the addition of Lactobacillus in the wort ( we took advantage of the ‘Lacto’ cultures present in nonfat Greek yogurt). During a 24 hour period, the Lacto eats some of the sugars and produces the lactic acid, which is perceived on the palate as the tart acidity in the beer. After that, we boil the wort to kill all the Lacto- so that we don’t infect our brewery- and pitched a Kolsch yeast for the main fermentation of the beer… This is a Leipzig-style Gose, so it is brewed with 2row and wheat, and we added sea salt and coriander to the kettle, per tradition. Highly carbonated and refreshing!
Alc. by vol. – 4.3%
Bitterness - 10 IBUs
Limited Release