Wildfires: bad. Beer: good!
With the devastation that wildfires have caused to Sierra Nevada’s own Chico and many other California communities, the brewery formed this project to raise funds for the victims. Revolution, along with over 1,400 breweries across the country brewed Sierra Nevada’s Resilience IPA recipe. All beer will be sold on site only at each brewery and 100% of profits go to the victims of the CA wildfires.
The recipe itself is a classic American IPA, with the old school flavors that Sierra Nevada is famous for. It uses only American Pale Malt and a Caramel 60, which lends an amber color, medium mouthfeel, and soft caramel sweetness that is very similar to classics like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Torpedo IPA. The hops are stalwarts as well - Cascade and Centennial, which give the beer a comfortingly familiar flavor and aroma of pine, grapefruit, and orange. We fermented with our house ale yeast, which, when combined with the quirks of our brewhouse, lends a subtle uniqueness which only our version will have. Although every brewery used the same recipe, each beer will have slight variations that make each brewery’s final product slightly different. Our version came out tasty, balanced, easy-drinking, and a hair stronger than other versions. A beer that tastes good and feels good to drink!
Alc. by vol. – 7.7%
Bitterness - 60 IBUs
Limited Release