E2V2 — Eris Eruption Vegan Vengeance
Date – July 24
Location — ERIS Brewery and Cider House / Chicago, IL
Time – 5:00-8:00PM
Our friends at ERIS Brewing are hosting their second annual Eris Eruption Vegan Vengeance! With representatives from Revolution Brewing, Old Irving Brewing, and a team-up of Athletic Brewing Co. & Dragged Through the Garden, each competitor will create a vegan cauliflower dish to be judged by event attendees. 4 Breweries, 4 Chefs, but just 1 Trophy!
Early Bird Tickets are $60, includes (4) drink tickets, (4) cauliflower dishes and fries, and a take-home (4) pack of beer/cider/NA* from all breweries involved. All vegan.
Regular price tickets are $75 starting Wednesday, July 20th.
Tickets can be purchased here.