Fist City and League of Heroes 12 Packs!
With the help of a newly installed Switchback packer, we are now cranking out tons of 12 packs into the market.
Keep an eye out for these 12 packs…
Fist City 12 packs:
Chicago’s Pale Ale is now available in 12 packs. Packs can be purchased at the tap room and at retailers around town. The packs are only available in Illinois!
League of Heroes 12 packs:
The League of Heroes pack contains Anti-Hero IPA and a rotating selection of three Hero-Series IPAs. Each new iteration of the pack will contain one featured Hero-Series IPA that is debuting through the League of Heroes pack. Available at the tap room and retailers.
The current pack features our newest hero, Amarillo Hero! This League of Heroes brew showcases the hop’s intense citrus and floral notes.